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  • 브루스 개그논의 항의서한 연명에는 누가 동참? [시사제주]

  • 브루스 개그논의 항의서한 연명에는 누가 동참?
    제주참여환경연대, 157명 명단 공개…서명자 더 늘듯

    2010년 01월 15일 (금) 12:16:45 고영태 기자  icarus@sisajeju.com
    제주 참여환경연대는 최근 도내 언론에 보도됐던 브루스 개그논의 항의서한 연명에 동참한 개인과 단체 명단을 15일 공개했다.

    세계적인 반전평화운동가인 브루스 개그논(Bruce K. Gagnon)이 미국과 온라인 네트워크 활동 등을 통해 제주해군기지 추진과정의 문제점을 홍보하고 전세계 평화운동가들과 함께 정부에 제주해군기지 추진 문제를 항의하기 위한 연명작업에 돌입했다. (1월 13일 본지 보도) => 기사보기 “제주해군기지 반대운동, 세계적으로 확산돼 간다 ”

    브루스 개그논은 ‘제주도에서 투쟁의 긴장이 높아지다’라는 제목의 연명요청 서한에서 “강정 해군기지 건설이 곧 시작된다. 마을 주민들은 현재 바위 해안선을 따라 천막 캠프를 쳤고 해군은 그곳에 구축함들이 정박할 부두를 만들기 위해 바위들과 작은 해양 생물들을 덮을 콘크리트를 부으려 한다”며 세계인들에게 제주해군기지 건설 반대에 동참해 줄 것을 호소했다.

    이번 공개된 명단은 14일까지 연명에 동참한 개인 및 단체로 모두 157명에 이르며 앞으로 이 인원은 더욱 늘어 날 것으로 보인다.

    • 제주 해군기지문제 관련 對한국정부 항의서한 연명인 명단 (2010.01.14 현재)

    • Junko Abe (Matsuyama, Japan)
    • Sue Ablao (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
    • Michael Adler (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
    • Americans Who Tell the Truth (Broksville, Maine, USA)
    • Randy Atkins (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
    • Debbie Atwood (Vice Chair, Brunswick Town Council, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
    • Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
    • Byungho Bae (Seoul, South Korea)
    • Phil Bittle (San Gabriel, California, USA)
    • Tim Blanchette (Veterans for Peace, Falmouth, Maine, USA)
    • Maureen Block (Bath, Maine, USA)
    • Toby Blome (Bay Area CodePink, San Francisco, California, USA)
    • Muriel Bossier (Seoul, South Korea)
    • Ivan Braun (Bronx, New York, USA)
    • André Brochu (Malmoe, Sweden)
    • Burnsville and Eagan Peace Vigils (Minnesota, USA)
    • Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (Yorkshire, England)
    • Bill &Mary Carry (The Peace and National Priorities Center of Oakland County, Sylvan Lake, Michigan, USA)     
    • Malcolm J. Chaddock (Veterans For Peace, Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
    • David W. &Kathe Chipman (Harpswell, Maine, USA)
    • Sung-Hee Choi (Incheon, Korea)
    • Lynn R. Chong (Common People's Peace Vigil, Plymouth, New Hampshire, USA)
    • Jack &Felice Cohen-Joppa (The Nuclear Resister, Tucson, Arizona, USA)   
    • David Csik (Portland, Oregon, USA)
    • Chris Davenport (ACT for the Earth, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
    • Rainbo Dixon (PhD candidate, School of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Australia)
    • Richard Doherty (Seattle, Washington, USA)
    • DMZ-Hawai/Aloha 'Aina
    • Paul Drinan (Portland, Maine, USA)
    • Colleen M. Driscoll (Ph.D, Director, The Kurtz Institute of Peacemaking, Cheshire, Connecticutt, USA)
    • Marjorie Swann Edwin (Santa Cruz, California, USA)
    • Environmentalists Against War (www.envirosagainstwar.org)
    • Fellowship of Reconciliation (Nyack, New York, USA)
    • Mike Ferner (President, Veterans For Peace, Toledo, Ohio)
    • Chris Fetterly (Prince George, BC, Canada)
    • Friendship and Peace Society (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
    • Thomas L. Fusco (Brunswick, Maine, USA)
    • Bruce Gagnon (Bath, Maine, USA)
    • Jay E Garth Jr (Huntington, Texas, USA)
    • Joseph Gerson (AFSC – Peace and Economic Security Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
    • Anne Gibbons (Bronx, New York, USA)
    • Mary Gleysteen (North Kitsap Neighbors for Peace, Kingston, Washington, USA)
    • Global Network Against Weapons &Nuclear Power in Space
    • Ernest Goitein (Atherton, California, USA)
    • Jill Gough (National Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Cymru)
    • Lynne Greenwald (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, Bremerton, Washington, USA)
    • Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
    • Jean &Joe Gump (Bloomingdale, Michigan, USA)
    • Kevin &Maggie Hall (Dunedin, Florida, USA)
    • Jane Hanna (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
    • Amy Harlib (New York, New York, USA)
    • Norma J F Harrison (Berkeley, California, USA)
    • Headingley Green Party (Headingley, England)
    • Valerie Heinonen, o.s.u.  (Ursulines of Tildonk for Justice and Peace, New York, New York, USA)
    • Herbert J. Hoffman (Ogunquit, Maine, USA)
    • Hong, Sung-Hak (Korean Professors Union, Chungjoo, Korea)
    • Jackie Hudson (Poulsbo, Washington, USA)
    • Hye, Kyoung An (Jejudo, South Korea)
    • Carol Jahnkow (Executive Director, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, California, USA)
    • Linda Jansen (Stand Up Seattle, Washington, USA)
    • Chadwick Johnson (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA)
    • Paul Johnson (Abermain, NSW, Australia)
    • Jung, Ae-Jung (Countermeasure Committee against the Leukemia, Samsung Semiconductor, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
    • Kyle Kajihiro (American Friends Service Committee, Honolulu, Hawai, USA)
    • Ramya Kane (Kerald, India)
    • Leah R. Karpen (WILPF, Asheville, North Carolina, USA)
    • Benton Kealii Pang (Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
    • Fritz &Natalie Kempner (Woolwich, Maine, USA)
    • Kim, Seong-Hwan (Representative, Samsung General Labor Union, Incheon, Korea)
    • Kim, Sung-Kyun (Citizens’ Campaign for Media Consumer Rights, Seoul, Korea)
    • Ariel Ky (Jinan, China)
    • Barbara Laxon (Miramar, Florida, USA)
    • Lee, Kwang-Yeol (Supporting Committee for the Restrained Workers, Seoul, Korea)
    • Samsung Lee (Professor, Hallym University, Namyangju City, South Korea)
    • Lee, Yu-Kyung (Journalist, Bangkok, Thailand)
    • Roger Leisner (Radio Free Maine, Augusta, Maine, USA)
    • Bob Lezer (Veterans for Peace, Freeport, Maine, USA)
    • Lim, Kyung-Ok (Samsung General Labor Union, Incheon, Korea)
    • Loukie Lofchie (Brunwick Peaceworks, Brunswick, Maine, USA)
    • Lewis Lubka (Fargo, North Dakota, USA)
    • Dr. Ross McCluney (Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA)
    • Lynn Meadows (Green Party of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
    • Nilda Medina (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
    • Bernie Meyer (Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action &Fellowship of Reconciliation, Olympia, Washington, USA)
    • Robert (Tito) Meyer (Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA)
    • Dr. Hannah &Denis Middleton (Sydney, Australia)
    • Glen Milner (Seattle, Washington, USA)
    • Mo, Sung-Ryong (Supporting Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, Seoul, Korea)
    • Anne Montgomery (Disarm Now Plowshares group, Seattle, Washington, USA)
    • Jeff Nall (Humanists for Peace, Brevard County, Florida, USA)
    • Nebraskans for Peace (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
    • Nancy O'Byrne (Co-ordinator, Pax Christi Northeast Florida, St. Augustine, Florida, USA)
    • Jon Olsen  (Jefferson, Maine, USA)
    • Park, Seung-Ho (Institute for Democratic Labor In Memory of Jun Tae-Il, Seoul, Korea)
    • Rosalie Tyler Paul (Maine Green Party, Georgetown, Maine, USA)
    • Lindis Percy (Harrogate, England)
    • Jeff Prager (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
    • Amy Prosser (Richmond, California, USA)
    • Bryan Quinlan (Shanghai, China)
    • Francis E. Quinn (Bandon, Oregon, USA)
    • Robert Rabin (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, Vieques, Puerto Rico)
    • Phyllis Reames (Portland, Maine, USA)
    • Tim Rinne (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
    • Christine M. Roane (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA)
    • Ellen R. Robinson (Coordinator, Albuquerque Raging Grannies, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
    • Mark Roman (Waterville Area Bridges For Peace &Justice, Solon, Maine, USA)
    • Ellen Rosser (Sarasota, Florida, USA)
    • Coleen Rowley (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
    • Mervyn Russell (Oakville Community Centre for Peace , Ecology and Human Rghts, Ontario, Canada)
    • June A. Rusten (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
    • Dr. Ron Saff (Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
    • Judith Salzman (Tucson, Arizona, USA)
    • Makiko Sato (Oita, Japan)
    • Lisa Savage (CODEPINK Maine, Solon, Maine, USA)
    • Elliot Schloss (New York, New York, USA)
    • Robert Shetterly (Brooksville, Maine, USA)
    • Mara Shlackman (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA)
    • Tycho Sierra (Budapest, Hungary)
    • Shin, Jung-Hyun (Worker, Gyunggi-do, Korea)
    • Alice Slater (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York, New York, USA)
    • Marcia Slatkin (Shoreham, New York, USA)
    • William H. Slavick (Coodinator, Pax Christi Maine, Portland, Maine, USA)
    • Kim Doss-Smith (WAMM Director, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
    • Phoebe Sorgen (BFUU Social Justice Committee, Berkeley, California, USA)
    • David Sowder(Sarasota, Florida, USA)
    • Jean Stewart (Charlotte, North Carolina, USA)
    • Lynn Stiles (Hudson, Colorado, USA)
    • Elizabeth A. Streeter (Peace Action Maine. Portland, Maine, USA)
    • Tom Sturtevant (Veterans for Peace, Winthrop, Maine, USA)
    • Mary Beth Sullivan (Bath, Maine, USA)
    • Sung, Min-Kyu (Iowa City, Iowa, USA)
    • David Swanson (After Downing Street, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA)
    • John Smith Thang  (Democracy and Human Right Network, South Korea)
    • Helen Travis (Sterling, Colorado, USA)
    • Tri-Valley CAREs (Livermore, California, USA)
    • Meredith Tupper (Springfield, Virginia, USA)
    • Andrew C. Twaddle, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA)
    • Kathy Ushiba (San Jose, California, USA)
    • Juha Uski (World without wars and without violence, Roskilde, Denmark)
    • Harry van der Linden (Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)
    • Wil Van Natta (Ocean Lifeguard/diver, Reality News Radio, Singer Island, Florida, USA)
    • Karen Wainberg (Bath, Maine, USA)
    • Dr. Bill Warrick (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
    • Dr. Dave Webb (Vice-Chair CND, Leeds, England)
    • Margaret Weitzmann (Seedcorn, Potsdam New York, USA)
    • Bill Wickersham (Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies, University of Missouri-Çolumbia, USA)
    • Susan Williams (Athens, Illinois, USA)
    • Leland Wilson (Gold Canyon, Arizona, USA)
    • Women Against Military Madness (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
    • Peter Woodruff (Arrowsic, Maine, USA)
    • Cheong Wooksik (Peace Network, Seoul, Korea)
    • Russell Wray (Citizens Opposing Active Sonar Threats, Hancock, Maine, USA)
    • Yeo, Woo-Sung (Special Committee for the Reinstatement of the Laid-off Workers, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Korea)
    • Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Leeds, England)
    • Martin Zeilig (Winnipeg, Canada)
    • Elke Zwinge-Makamizile (German Peace Council, Berlin, Germany)
    • Dal Molin (Vicenza, Italy)